About us

Stylishly colouring outside the lines with Enfant Terrible

The most fun way to show someone you're thinking of them? By sending a nice card, of course! Surprise your friends with a festive card with a quirky quote . 
Does our funny mess of animals put an instant smile on your face or do you prefer to keep it a little quieter with stylish flowers?
You are sure to find what you are looking for in our range.

Do you, like us, love cute stationery? A trendy vintage look or playful?
Our friends book, folders and other fun stuff will make you want to go back to school even as an adult! 

Onze unieke stijl danken we aan onze designers. Hun creativiteit kent geen grenzen en Enfant Terrible is dan ook hun speeltuin.

Je doen glimlachen bij het zien van onze geestige, coole 
en (al zeggen we ‘t zelf ;-)) super mooie spullen, daar doen we het voor! 

Follow us and discover all that beauty!   


Meet the sales team


Deborah Verbauwhede

General Management

0032 477 51 76 94


Nathalie Bultiauw

West- en Oost-Vlaanderen & Vlaams-Brabant

0032 460 96 16 72


Sandro Verbeiren

Antwerpen, Limburg & Vlaams-Brabant

0032 460 94 59 98


Geert Nys

Wallonië, Brussel & Luxemburg

0032 478 98 87 78